How Georgia Truck Accident Claims Differ From Car Accident Claims
If you are involved in a truck accident in Georgia, you need to contact an experienced truck accident attorney. Cases involving truck collisions differ in important respects from typical passenger vehicle accidents. These accidents tend to cause more severe injuries, which can require longer-term care. Dozier Law's truck accident lawyers are trained to collect evidence unique to drivers with commercial driver's licenses. This evidence can be critical in your case. Truck Accidents Usually Involve More Severe Injuries A fully loaded commercial truck can weigh more than 80,000 pounds. That is 27 times the average weight of a passenger vehicle. At impact, a loaded truck will collide with the force of 20 passenger automobiles. The resulting injuries can be catastrophic. Common injuries from truck accidents include death, dismemberment, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, brain injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, internal bleeding, and organ damage. Some of these injuries may not be…