Georgia Tractor-Trailer Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one were injured because of a tractor-trailer accident in Georgia, you could consult with a tractor-trailer accident lawyer. They will help you recognize your legal options, including how to bring an effective insurance claim or lawsuit. Dozier Law has substantial experience helping injury victims get the compensation they deserve. We will be there for you. To learn more, contact Dozier Law for a free consultation by calling (888) 239-2129 or contacting us online. Causes Of Tractor-Trailer Accidents Tractor-trailer accidents can cause devastating effects on those surrounding them on the highway. These large vehicles and their cargo can weigh up to 40 tons. In addition to its weight, it has a higher center of gravity since it is so tall, making it less stable and more prone to tipping over. Being a truck driver can involve driving for many consecutive hours daily. Some of the most…

What To Do After A Georgia Car Accident

Car accidents can cause devastating injuries. If you were injured in a car accident and the other driver was at fault, you may be able to obtain compensation from the negligent driver's insurance company. However, their insurance company will want to limit your compensation. Take the proper steps to preserve your claim and get the compensation you deserve. Steps To Take After A Car Accident First and foremost, make sure everyone is safe. Contact the police. If there is a chance that someone is injured, make sure they get medical attention and inform 911 when you call that an ambulance is requested. At the time of the accident, if you can, you should collect the following information: Take photographs of any damages to the cars. Take photographs of any physical injuries you sustained. Get witness statements or contact information for any witnesses to the accident. Exchange insurance information with the…

Car Accidents And Dashboard Cameras

Car accidents can occur in a blink of an eye. One minute you are driving safely down the road, then out of the blue, another vehicle slammed into yours. Because accidents happen quickly, suddenly, and violently, you may not be able to recall what happened or prove who was at fault. Witnesses can be helpful, but they are not always around and can be unreliable. Dashboard cameras (dashcams) have become commonplace in other counties. Still, they have not caught on in the U.S. These devices can be very valuable in providing the crucial evidence you need to prove who was at fault and help you get the compensation you deserve if you have suffered damages due to another driver's negligence. Here are the top five reasons you should consider getting a dashcam in your vehicle. What Is A Dash Cam? A dashcam is a small camera typically mounted on your…

Questions To Ask Your Georgia Car Accident Lawyer

Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. If you have suffered damages or injuries due to the carelessness of another driver, then you deserve to receive compensation for your losses. Hiring a Georgia car accident lawyer can help you get what you deserve. Still, not all lawyers are the same, and some lawyers are better than others. Finding the right lawyer for you is crucial to receiving justice. Here are a few questions you can ask potential Georgia car accident lawyers to see if they will provide the representation that you are looking for. What Is Your Fee? While you should never select a lawyer solely based on price, the amount they will charge you will be an important factor in your decision. Finding out upfront what the lawyer's fee will be and how it is to be paid and calculated can help save you time…

Autonomous Vehicles: Transportation Of The Future Or Too Soon To Tell?

Autonomous vehicles are becoming more and more common.  Self-driving cars seem like a thing of the future -- a vehicle driving itself and communicating with the other cars around it to get you where you need to go. For a long time, self-driving cars were purely science fiction, but not anymore. While the technology is still relatively new, it has been implemented successfully in many different cases. While a fully reliable autonomous vehicle is still some time out, cars already on the market come with driverless technology, albeit less sophisticated versions, like limited autopilot and self-parking vehicles.  Some specific examples include Tesla with its autopilot driving technology or Google with its self-driving vehicle development company, Waymo. While those are just some of the more prominent examples, most—if not all—major car manufacturers in the United States have begun research and development and even implementation of self-driving technologies in their vehicles. Autonomous…

Georgia Unsecured Or Improperly Loaded Truck Accidents

Even in the best circumstances, an accident with a big truck can have severe and debilitating consequences. Because big delivery trucks are large and can reach high speeds, the results of an accident involving a truck can be particularly serious. What makes an accident with a truck even more dangerous is the cargo they carry. Depending on who owns or operates the truck or who has hired the truck to transport cargo, the details about what they are hauling can vary dramatically. Depending on the type, size, and weight of these vehicles, a fully loaded big truck can weigh almost 100,000 pounds. If a passenger vehicle is involved in an accident with a truck that heavy, the results could be devastating or even fatal. When trucks are transporting cargo, the likelihood and effects of the accident increase if the vehicle is not loaded properly. This article will discuss the circumstances…

Social Media And Personal Injury Cases In Georgia

Social media is inescapable in today's society. While the number and kinds of social media platforms change every year, the effect that they can have is enormous. As these sites have grown in popularity, more people share personal information with their "friends" and "followers" than ever before. In most circumstances, sharing occasions in your life on social media sites is not a problem. However, if you are involved in a personal injury case, what you post can affect whether you win or lose. As social media has grown, prosecutors and civil attorneys search clients' or opponents' social media for useful information. The information posted there, while seemingly innocent at the time, might have a detrimental effect on the status of your case. Expert Advice And Representation In Personal Injury Cases Being involved in a personal injury case can be challenging. There are a variety of legal proceedings and expectations involved.…

Summary Judgment And Personal Injury In Georgia

The case Spires v. Thomas involves a question of summary judgment in a personal injury case. Summary judgment is a ruling in favor of one party without a full trial. To succeed on a summary judgment motion, the person bringing the motion must prove that there is no genuine dispute of fact and that they are entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Plainly stated, summary judgment is when one party asks the court to find in favor of them because it is clear that there is no evidence to support the other side’s claims in the dispute. In ruling on summary judgment claims, the court interprets the facts in a manner most favorable to the party not bringing the motion. If the party bringing the motion convinces the court that there is no genuine dispute of fact, their motion will be granted, and they will get a ruling…

Georgia Premise Liability Law: Repairs

Several specific rules apply to Georgia premise liability claims. These rules can restrict the admission of valuable evidence and detract from your case. To avoid these pitfalls, you should consult with an experienced Georgia premise liability lawyer as soon as possible. Dozier Law's attorneys are waiting to speak with you about your case, and your initial consultation is free. What Is Georgia Premise Liability? Georgia premise liability requires that the owner or the occupier of a property - a residence, business, or land - keep the property reasonably safe. This obligation includes the requirement to notify or warn others of any dangers on the property and maintain the premises in a safe state of repair. If they fail to do so, they can be subject to a lawsuit seeking damages for injuries suffered on their premises. Georgia premise liability law is comprehensive, and it covers everything from slip and falls…

Georgia Workers’ Compensation Claims Versus Personal Injury Claims

If you or a loved one sustains a work-related injury, you need the advice of an attorney to make sense of your available options. Generally, you have two potential ways to recover compensation for your injury. First, you can file a claim for workers' compensation. Second, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to receive compensation. There are essential differences, limitations, and restrictions between the two options. This article will discuss both options available to you. What Is Workers' Compensation? You may think of workers' compensation as an insurance program to protect employees injured while at work. Work-related injuries are common throughout the country, and Georgia is no exception. In 2020, the Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation processed 31,500 claims. Paid benefits for the year exceeded 706 million dollars. The Georgia Workers' Compensation mandatory insurance provisions exist to protect you while at work. As an employee,…

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Wonderful law firm that cares

I was injured in a terrible fall which left my foot, arm back and knee badly bruised. The Dozier Law Firm was awesome. Attorney Dustin Hamilton reviewed and accepted my case and within a few months he was able to settle my case for more than I ever imagine. The Dozier Law Firm is A+ in my book.

Ms. T. B.

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