Freak Car Accident Kills Woman Walking Her Dog
Many vehicular accidents can be avoided, simply by keeping cars and trucks properly maintained. Some car accidents may be attributed to faulty manufacturing and no recall on the parts involved, but some can be the result of owner irresponsibility for improper care of their vehicle. A car accident involving a loose tire resulted in the death of a Georgia pedestrian. The 22-year-old woman left her house around 9 p.m. to walk her dog. Her family grew concerned when she did not return from a walk that normally took around 20 minutes. When her dog came home without her nearly 45 minutes later, they went to look for her and found her lying on the ground, face-down. Emergency personnel transported her to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced deceased. Police determined the woman had been hit in the head with a tire from a vehicle that had been traveling on the road…