Woman Injured in Bizarre Alleged Drunk Driving Incident

There are times when driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs causes a lot of physical damage and not just to other cars on the road. Other people can be injured or killed and damage to trees or buildings can take place in a drunk driving situation. One Georgia couple recently learned all too well the destruction drunk driving can cause. Around 2:30 a.m. the couple, both 72 years of age, sat in their living room watching television when a car burst through the outer wall of the room. The couple and their furniture sailed into the next room, where the wife was severely injured. She was airlifted to the trauma center of a hospital approximately 60 miles away and was diagnosed with bleeding on the brain. Doctors believe she will only need to be admitted for a few days and they plan to release her. Her husband was not…

Woman Dies as a Result of Alleged Drunk Driving

Even after many years of media campaigns warning people not to drink and then drive, story after story in the news media tell the public of vehicular accidents involving intoxication. Alcohol can impair the senses enough that a drunk driving accident can kill or permanently injure anyone involved. A Georgia woman is facing charges after an alleged drunk driving accident. The Georgia State Patrol states that several troopers were called to the scene of an accident that left one person dead and two others injured. Through their investigation, they learned a woman driving a large SUV veered from her lane into that of oncoming traffic, where she collided head-on with a sedan. The sedan was then hit from behind by a pickup truck. The driver of the sedan died and the two people in the truck were injured, although not seriously. The troopers arrested the driver of the SUV, who was…

Motorcycle Accident Kills 1, Injures More

Motorcyclists often talk about the freedom they feel on their bikes, but they also know the potential risks. Since motorcycles offer less protection than other motor vehicles, when accidents occur, it can mean that injuries are more likely to happen and are more severe when they do. This is illustrated in a recent motorcycle accident here in Georgia that took the life of the driver and left the bike's passenger in critical condition. Law enforcement says that the crash happened on a recent morning and involved multiple vehicles. An SUV rear-ended a car that was turning left from a highway onto a school road. That car then spun and struck a motorcycle and its sidecar. The driver of the motorcycle was thrown from the bike. He was revived twice at the scene of the accident before being airlifted to a Macon hospital. Sadly, the man died from his injuries. His wife, who was…

Teen Killed in Drunk Driving Incident

The arrests for drinking and driving in Georgia are numerous on any given day. Drunk driving continues to be a problem no matter how extensive advertising campaigns warning about the consequences. Many people who drive after drinking believe nothing will happen to them and often do not care when something does. A soldier stationed at an Army base in Georgia had his first court appearance after being arrested and charged with drunk driving. The 22-year-old man is accused of speeding and hitting the back end of another car, pushing the car into a ditch by the side of the road. One of the passengers in the car, an 18-year-old high school student, died from the impact. The driver and a second passenger were injured and were transported to a nearby hospital for treatment. Other than drunk driving, the soldier is facing numerous charges including injury and homicide by vehicle. He is…

Fatal Accidents Likely After Use of Alcohol, Drugs

It seems there are a number of people who think the rules of the road do not apply to them. Distracted driving, drug use or alcohol consumption before driving, or otherwise negligent behavior behind the wheel are all causes of fatal accidents on Georgia roadways. A man faces multiple charges after causing one of the state's most recent fatal accidents. The man and a friend were headed south when his 2007 Chevrolet sedan left the road. After hitting some trees, the car went spinning back onto the road and hit another vehicle going north. Rescue personnel found the man injured and his friend dead when they arrived at the scene. There was no mention of any injuries to the occupants of the second vehicle. The man was taken to a local hospital. However, he left the hospital before the admission process was completed. U.S. Marshals located and arrested him on numerous…

Man Gets Prison, Probation After Causing Drunk Driving Accident

Ask most people who have been victims in an accident due to reckless behavior and they will say the effects can last for years to come. Excessive speeding, tailgating, texting while driving and drunk driving are all examples of reckless driving that could cause irreparable damage should they result in an accident. A Georgia man has been sentenced for causing multiple injuries to two people in a drunk driving incident. In May 2017, the man was driving his pickup truck when he hit a sedan with a family of six inside. The mother and one of the children suffered several broken bones as well as other injuries. Testimony during his recent trial indicated the man's blood-alcohol level at the time of the collision was over three times the legal limit of .08 in Georgia. The trial lasted four days and the man was found guilty on six charges against him. He…

Crash as a Result of Reckless Driving Causes Woman to Lose Arm

The pain of losing a limb is not just physical but psychological, as well. When the limb is lost as a result of an accident due to reckless driving, anger is yet another emotion the injured party has to endure. A Georgia woman is seeking justice in the loss of her left arm from the reckless driving of a police officer. Nearly a year ago, the woman was crossing through an intersection on a green light when a police car slammed into the side of her vehicle. The loss of her arm was only one of her injuries from the collision. She claims neither the blue lights nor the siren on the front of the police vehicle were activated in an effort to warn other drivers of its approach. Police who responded to the scene contradicted the woman's claims, saying both warning signals were on. The proof needed from the dashcam…

Drunk Driving Responsible for Death to Pet, Injury to Owners

Driving after consuming alcoholic beverages is a recipe for disaster. According to some statistics, the number of accidents caused by drunk driving has risen in the past few years. Drunk driving by a Georgia man is said to be the cause of a collision causing injuries to people and death to a beloved pet. A report states a 57-year-old man driving a minivan crossed the center line into the lane of oncoming traffic. He crashed into an SUV headed straight toward him. He and the other driver had to be cut out of their vehicles and, along with the passenger in the SUV, were transported to a nearby hospital. All three were critically injured and a dog belonging to the couple in the SUV died. The incident report by police claimed the minivan contained drugs and alcohol, causing them to arrest the driver on charges of reckless driving, felony serious injury…

Drunk Driving Accident Takes Life of Woman

Not only do drivers in Georgia have to watch out for the actions of other drivers, but passengers also need to be careful in placing their trust, as well. Drunk driving is unacceptable and any potential passenger should have the courage to either take the keys away from an inebriated driver or find another ride. A passenger recently lost her life in a drunk driving accident. The only information given so far by police about the passenger has been that she was an adult. They state the driver of the car was not able to stay in her lane of traffic when she ran off the road and crashed into a nearby utility pole. The force of the collision caused injuries serious enough to kill the passenger, who was riding in the front seat. The driver was also injured and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Her injuries…

Wrongful Death Lawsuit an Option After Semi Kills Couple

Too often do family and friends have to say an earthly farewell to a loved one because another person was negligent while driving. The option of filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the perpetrator is available in most cases of death due to negligent or reckless behavior. The family of a Georgia couple appears to have grounds to pursue financial damages from a wrongful death lawsuit after the death of a couple. The husband and wife, both 71 years of age, were in their Ford F-150 and were traveling through an intersection when a semitrailer ran a stop sign. The pickup hit the side of the semi, causing the semi to roll on top of the pickup truck. The couple died upon impact. Georgia State Patrol officials have not released details of the accident but state they are still investigating the matter. They indicated that charges will likely be issued to the 30-year-old…

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I was injured in a terrible fall which left my foot, arm back and knee badly bruised. The Dozier Law Firm was awesome. Attorney Dustin Hamilton reviewed and accepted my case and within a few months he was able to settle my case for more than I ever imagine. The Dozier Law Firm is A+ in my book.

Ms. T. B.

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