Committed to the pursuit of justice for truck accident victims
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration made headlines last week when they announced a proposal that, if enacted, would require all new semi trucks to be equipped with electronic devices that limit their maximum speed to anywhere from 60 to 68 miles-per-hour. While it's possible that many greeted this news with little more than a shrug, it's important to consider that the two agencies predicted this new proposal could save the lives of anywhere from 96 to 498 motorists per year and prevent many of the 1,115 heavy truck crashes that occur here in the U.S. on an annual basis. Indeed, all of this really serves to underscore the unfortunate -- and perhaps grim -- reality that despite all of the progress that has been made in making both roads and vehicles safer, motorists are still very much at risk of being involved in…