Speeding Contributes to Collision Between a Truck and a Tractor
Georgia residents living in rural areas have probably been caught behind individuals driving farm equipment, like tractors, on the roads. These vehicles only travel between 18 and 25 mph, and other drivers can sometimes become frustrated with the slow pace. This often results in drivers speeding around the slower-moving farm equipment. Unfortunately, drivers do not always wait for a safe time to pass these vehicles, and the results can be disastrous. This was the case in Madison County where a truck crashed into a slow-moving tractor. A witness to the crash, the driver of a second tractor, reported that the truck was traveling at a high rate of speed when it hit the first tractor. The tractor was described as being torn in half as a result of the crash. The driver of the tractor was pinned underneath the front half of the machine. Witnesses say that the pinned man was making…