What this means is that the majority of the nation will “fall back,” such that they will not only have to reset their clocks, but will also gain an extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning. What it also means is that the sun will start rising earlier in the morning and setting earlier in the evening.
While this shift in sunrises and sunsets might not seem like much, if any, cause for concern, research suggests that the first few weeks after the end of Daylight Saving Time present a heightened safety risk to pedestrians.
Specifically, while most pedestrians will make their way to their location during bright conditions, chances are good that they will make their way home in the dark, such that they will be using the same streets as motorists who are still unaccustomed to the onset of early darkness and the corresponding need to be on the lookout for walkers and bicyclists.
Interestingly enough, there is actually a movement calling for perpetual Daylight Saving Time.
If this seems like a strange concept, consider that a 2004 study published in Accident Analysis and Prevention determined that adding another hour of sunlight in the evenings on a year-round basis could potentially save the lives of over 170 pedestrians per year.
Given that so many more people have decided to “go green” over the 12 years since this study was originally published, it’s not inconceivable that this figure would now be higher.
What are your thoughts on perpetual Daylight Saving Time? Would you be in favor of this or are you loath to part with the extra hour of sleep?
If you’ve been seriously injured in a car crash or lost a loved one in a pedestrian accident caused by a reckless motorist, consider speaking with a skilled legal professional who can help you pursue justice.