Some driver improvement courses are court-ordered for those who have already committed traffic violations. If you fall into this category, your driver’s course will still be a positive experience that will help you to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. It is also a way to prevent additional points from being added to your driver’s license, hefty fines, community service, or jail time.
If you have been involved in a prior accident due to driver negligence, this course could help you to prevent future accidents. Not only will you learn to be more responsible and get a great overview of Georgia road laws, but you will learn techniques that will help you to mitigate against risks on the road and avoid a catastrophic collision.
Of course, not all accidents can be avoided, but those that can be, should. This is where defensive driving school comes in. It is for all drivers, to make Georgia’s roadways safer. If you would like more information regarding car accidents, speaking to an experienced attorney could be beneficial.