Maneuvering the Legal System: Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Encountering the complex legal system for the first time after an injury accident can stop you in your tracks. The amount of paperwork, documentation, filings, phone calls, and other grunt work involved in a personal injury claim is too overwhelming for most people, and they simply give up. That’s why it is always recommended to partner with a personal injury lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the system like the back of their hand and can help guide you through the process. 

At Dozier Law, we’ve helped hundreds of personal injury victims file their claims, gather evidence, negotiate with insurers, and win the fair settlements they deserve. We can help you too. Read on as we share compelling reasons why hiring a personal injury attorney after an accident is the smartest move you can make. 

Injured? Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney 

Getting injured always happens suddenly and unexpectedly. Simply put, your life gets turned upside down. You’re dealing with physical injuries, possibly serious ones, and medical bills that just don’t stop coming. You need help and fast.  

Hiring a personal injury lawyer puts an experienced hero at your disposal. They know exactly how to begin the claim process and how to move it through the system more quickly than you could on your own. They also know every trick the insurer will try to short you on compensation and how to counter. 

What Is Considered a Personal Injury? 

Personal injuries are incidents involving sudden injury, like car accidents, medical malpractice, falls, or workplace injuries. Basically, if you’ve suffered an injury accident that wasn’t your fault or was caused by the negligence of another, it’s a personal injury and most likely qualifies you for compensation. 

Understanding the Personal Injury Process 

– Seek medical attention 

– Hire an attorney 

– File a claim 

– Gather evidence 

– Negotiate with the insurer 

– If compensation isn’t adequate, go to court 

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer 

For personal injury attorneys, assessing your claim’s value, filing the claim, and negotiating with insurers is a daily event. They have the experience needed to present a compelling case effectively and get you the compensation you need to recover and move forward. Here are a few more advantages of hiring a personal injury lawyer: 

– Compassionate support in a crisis 

– Help to get proper medical attention 

– Can expedite the claims process 

– Legal expertise 

– Courtroom experience 

– Knowledge of the insurance law/injury claim relationship 

– Can assess the true value of your claim 

– Will seek maximum compensation 

Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer vs. Going It Alone 

It might be tempting to handle your claim alone. But without a seasoned attorney by your side, your claim could be denied or settled for a much lower amount than you need for your injuries, as well as having pain and suffering aspects rejected completely. An attorney gives you a significant advantage during the crucial negotiation period. 

How to Find the Best Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Case 

To find the ideal attorney for your case, you need to do some homework. Look for Atlanta attorneys with a successful track record in personal injury law and positive client reviews. It’s also important to choose someone who specializes in your type of injury with a compassionate manner and good communication skills. 

What Questions Should I Ask a Personal Injury Attorney? 

During your initial consultation, ask about their track record with cases like yours, their success rate, and the proposed strategy for your unique case. It’s also crucial to understand their fee structure if they aren’t a “no win, no fee” law office and ask about any other types of fees like administrative or evidence gathering. You may find it helpful to ask about a proposed timeline and what they expect the outcome to be. 

What to Expect from a Personal Injury Attorney 

Your attorney will take over all the aspects of your case so you can focus on physical and emotional recovery. This will include compiling medical records, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, filing claims, negotiating with insurers, and representing you in court if needed. Their help should make the process as streamlined as possible. 

Personal Injury Claims FAQs 

Q: How long do I have to file a personal injury claim?

A: Typically, the statute of limitations is within two years of the injury, but there are rare exceptions. 

Q: Can I still file a claim if I was partially at fault?

A: Yes, but your compensation might be lower based on your level of fault. 

Q: How is compensation calculated?

A: Compensation is calculated based on medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future financial burdens or losses. 

Q: What happens if I don’t hire a personal injury attorney?

A: Then you’ll be on your own sailing through a storm of paperwork, legwork, and possible claim denials. Even if the insurer offers you a settlement, it will most likely not be what you need to recover financially or pay future medical bills. An experienced attorney takes these things into consideration when negotiating with the insurer to put you on good footing now and in the future.  

Regarding claim denials, here’s an interesting fact. A full 7% of worker’s compensation claims are initially denied. Having an attorney by your side can change that. 

Q: Do I need a lawyer for my minor car accident?

A: Having a lawyer is always the safest way to go. Small injuries can quickly turn into serious ones within a week. Your lawyer will make sure your injuries are documented so you can get the financial compensation you need to avoid hardship. 

Q: How much does a personal injury attorney cost?

A: By far, most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means they only get paid if they win your case.  

Q: How long does it take to settle a personal injury case?

A: This varies from case to case, depending on the circumstances and the severity of the injuries. Some cases settle in a few months, while others take years if they go to trial but often yield better settlements.  

Q: Can a personal injury lawyer help with medical bills?

A: Yes. Part of their job is to work with medical providers on outstanding bills to ensure your settlement includes compensation for current and future expenses relating to your injuries. They also deal with insurers, so you aren’t overwhelmed by medical bills while you’re recovering. 


Partnering with a personal injury lawyer gives you many advantages during the claims process. Their negotiation skills, legal expertise, and experience help you win the maximum compensation for your claim. 

Partner with Atlanta’s Personal Injury Experts – Dozier Law 

If you’re dealing with physical injuries and a tsunami of medical bills after an injury accident, we can help. The compassionate team at Dozier Law offers a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer and expert advice without further financial stress. 

When you hire us, there’s no required money up-front. This lets you focus on recovery while we handle the legal battle. From start to finish, we make the claims process as smooth and stress-free as possible. 

Reach Out 

Still have questions? Contact our team today for more information or to schedule your private consultation and case assessment. 

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Wonderful law firm that cares

I was injured in a terrible fall which left my foot, arm back and knee badly bruised. The Dozier Law Firm was awesome. Attorney Dustin Hamilton reviewed and accepted my case and within a few months he was able to settle my case for more than I ever imagine. The Dozier Law Firm is A+ in my book.

Ms. T. B.

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