The first step in pursuing compensation is taking stock of your situation. You will need to gather evidence of all of the expenses associated with your injuries. This evidence should include all related medical bills, prescription costs, and the amount of pay you lost from being out of work. The second step is gathering evidence that shows your accident was caused by another driver’s negligence. The documents you should gather include the police report, witness statements, and photographs of the accident scene.
The third step is contacting a personal injury attorney. You will need to take all of the evidence you have gathered to your first meeting with your attorney. Your lawyer can then review the information you have and determine whether he or she can prove the other party’s negligence.
With the help of an experienced legal professional, you may be able to build a case to present to a Georgia civil court that proves both your need and your eligibility for personal injury compensation. If your case is presented successfully, the court may award you damages for the associated financial losses and punitive damages, such as pain and suffering, stemming from your car accident. While no amount of compensation can erase the injuries you suffered, it can ease your path into the future financially.