Driver fatigue blamed for many of Georgia’s truck accidents

Anyone who has driven through Georgia has doubtlessly passed hundreds of tractor-trailers on the state’s interstate highways. The large number of trucks on the roads makes the chance of truck accidents increase even when conditions are perfect and drivers are alert. When driver fatigue becomes a factor, the chance of a truck accident increases exponentially.

Drivers of semi trucks and other large commercial vehicles have the lives of the people with whom they share the roads in their hands. The size and weight of these trucks make them more hazardous to others than commuter vehicles, such as cars and pickup trucks, should they be involved in accidents. This knowledge alone should make drivers take special care; however, this is not always the case.

Some drivers, pushed to the limit by deadlines and management, overextend themselves. Some even drive many more hours in a row than the federal guidelines allow, which often results in driver fatigue. Drivers suffering from fatigue are known to make more mistakes than alert drivers, which is why limits were placed on the number of hours professionals could drive without breaks.

If you or someone you love suffered an injury in an accident caused by driver fatigue, you have the right to pursue compensation for your injuries or, in the case of a fatal accident, for the loss of your loved one. If your case is presented successfully, with adequate proof of negligence, a Georgia court may award you personal injury or wrongful death compensation. If you would like to learn whether you are eligible to file a suit, you can visit our website, where you will find our contact information.

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