Who Can I Sue in a Truck Accident?

There are an overwhelming number of factors involved in a truck accident. In most cases, investigators will need to look at what each driver involved was doing leading up to the crash. This can determine any level of distraction, recklessness, negligence, or intoxication. These factors are common for almost all multivehicle accidents. However, when a truck is involved, investigators will now need to look at driver logs, whether the truck was properly maintained and whether it met all safety regulations set forth to maintain nonhazardous roadways for those commuting alongside these behemoths. If you were hurt or if you have lost a loved one due to an accident involving an 18-wheeler or another large commercial vehicle, you are likely struggling to function on an emotional level. Grief can be absolutely debilitating. Add to that the concerns of exploring all avenues of causation and pursuing compensation for that guilt, and you may…

Help in your time of need

There is no hurt more painful in this world than the loss of a loved one. The struggle can be difficult even when the person died of natural causes at an old age. But when a person is taken from your life rapidly and unexpectedly, your own pain can be debilitating. Seeking financial retribution and justice may not be the first priority you have, but your situation may necessitate it. In addition to the emotional devastation, you are likely to face a financial fallout in a contagion-like domino effect. The vehicle is likely gone or in need of costly repairs. There is a loss of income, medical bills, extremely costly funeral expenses, counseling and even your inability to return to the mundane tasks of life. Plus, your own job can add to your stress and your need for financial options. Financial concerns should not be your largest challenge at this…

Involved in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Georgia?

Any time a driver leaves the scene of an accident without talking to the police or exchanging insurance and contact information, it is classified as a hit-and-run in Georgia. This blog post will discuss the penalties for leaving the scene of an accident and what you should do if you are the victim of a hit-and-run. Penalties for hit and run in Georgia The penalty for getting caught and charged with hit-and-run in Georgia greatly depends upon the severity of the accident. If it is a single-car accident that resulted in property damage to the corner of a building, light post, or fire hydrant, for example, misdemeanor charges are possible, but unlikely. Even if no criminal charge is filed, the traffic ticket and fine will be serious and restitution for damage repairs will likely be included. The driver will likely be punished with license revocation, as well. An accident involving…

Driver allegedly flees fatal motorcycle wreck

You're clearly at a big disadvantage when you come up against a car or truck while operating a motorcycle. Your size and speed may make you harder to spot to an attentive driver. Make that a distracted driver and the results can be disastrous, even deadly. Distraction, recklessness or negligence may have caused the wreck that occurred recently on Cummings Highway. A black four-door car with a blue bumper sticker was said to have fled the scene after veering into the motorcycle's lane, causing its riders to be thrown from the bike and into a guardrail. The motorcycle driver was killed, and the passenger was airlifted to a hospital and is reportedly in critical condition but is stable. There were alleged witnesses to the accident; ones that were able to give the discerning features of the other vehicle involved. When that vehicle's owner is identified, it is likely that a thorough investigation…

A plan of action against pedestrian deaths

If you have watched the news lately, you may have heard of a few recent pedestrian deaths. In fact, the statistics across the nation show that Georgia has become a front-runner for pedestrian-related accidents. From 2014 to 2015 the rest of the nation's incidence of pedestrian death increased by 10 percent. However, in Georgia, the death rate related to pedestrian accidents skyrocketed to 21 percent. This increase has committee members concerned as they met to discuss action during the monthly Macon-Bibb Pedestrian Fatality Review Board. One member, who directed Governor Purdue's Governor's Office of Highway Safety said that this information demonstrates that many more people are walking. He believes the blame must be taken off of the victim and focus should be put on road improvement, primarily through better engineering. Proper education regarding road rules and enforcement of laws and medical capabilities of emergency services should also be included. These…

An overview of drugs and how they may affect driving

Over-the-counter drugs, prescriptions and legalized recreational drugs can all affect your ability to drive, but each one influences you differently. That is the deadly problem with driving while drugged. Each drug can affect people differently. Maybe pain killers result in hallucinations. Or maybe the prescription leaves you feeling sleepy. Regardless, drugged driving is a growing problem that states are tackling in a haphazard manner. This article will go over some of these risks and how they may affect you. The problem with drugged driving is that people are doing it with a combination of legal and illegal drugs, sometimes at the same time. Furthermore, driving while on drugs does not carry the same social stigma and barometer as drunk driving. There is no clear "0.08 percent" line that shows when it is safe and unsafe to drive. Due to the variable nature of drug use, it is difficult to collect data…

Representing Your Interests After A Truck Accident In Georgia

At Dozier Law Firm, LLC, with offices throughout Georgia, we have years of experience representing injured victims of truck accidents. This experience has allowed us to build a reputation as a leading personal injury law firm in Georgia, which brings countless clients to our firm every year. If you suffered injuries in a truck accident, you, too, may benefit from the assistance of our experienced attorneys. Truck accidents can result from a number of different causes. Common causes are driver fatigue, reckless driving, speeding, lack of maintenance, and inadequate safety equipment. Regardless of the cause, we are prepared to help you pursue personal injury compensation, but first, we have to determine which party acted negligently. In an accident involving a tractor-trailer or other commercial vehicle, the fault can lie with either the driver or the company for which the driver works. When the cause of an accident is reckless driving…

Suing Your Own Driver for Damages in Georgia

Unlike many states across the U.S., Georgia does not subscribe to no-fault insurance coverage. Drivers who are found to be at fault for causing the accident may be sued by any injured party, including passengers in their own car, under most conditions. This blog post will explain how "comparative fault" insurance works in Georgia and the ways to file a personal injury liability insurance claim for compensation. How Georgia's modified comparative fault laws work The first insurance matter to be settled in any motor vehicle accident on a Georgia road will be to determine which driver was at fault and whether both drivers may have shared some percentage of responsibility. If one driver is held 100 percent liable for causing the accident, then his or her insurance will be responsible for covering all liability damages paid to injured parties, including passengers in their own vehicle. However, if the other driver is determined to share some of the fault, 20 percent for example, then…

The Number of Drunk Driving Accidents in Georgia is Decreasing

Drunk driving accidents are always preventable. This fact is one reason those who lose loved ones in these types of accidents are so frustrated. Fortunately, the number of drunk driving accidents in Georgia is statistically decreasing, but, as in all states, the annual number of DUI-related accidents is still much too high. According to statistics for 2005 through 2011 released by the Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety, the peak years for alcohol-related fatalities were 2006 through 2008. During those years, drunk drivers caused 27 percent of all accident-related fatalities statewide. The percentage of alcohol-related deaths began decreasing in 2009, and, by 2011, the percentage was at a six-year low at 23 percent. While the statistics show a definite improvement, those who suffered because of drunk drivers will tell you that the state still has a long way to go toward preventing all alcohol-related deaths. For those individuals and families who lost…

How Do You Pursue Compensation After a Car Accident in Georgia?

Immediately after car accidents, many victims are so focused on their injuries and recovery that they give little thought to the financial consequences of the accidents. However, once the initial shock subsides, many start wondering about their post-accident legal options. If you suffered injuries in a Georgia car accident, you, too, maybe wondering how you pursue compensation for those injuries. The first step in pursuing compensation is taking stock of your situation. You will need to gather evidence of all of the expenses associated with your injuries. This evidence should include all related medical bills, prescription costs, and the amount of pay you lost from being out of work. The second step is gathering evidence that shows your accident was caused by another driver's negligence. The documents you should gather include the police report, witness statements, and photographs of the accident scene. The third step is contacting a personal injury attorney.…

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I was injured in a terrible fall which left my foot, arm back and knee badly bruised. The Dozier Law Firm was awesome. Attorney Dustin Hamilton reviewed and accepted my case and within a few months he was able to settle my case for more than I ever imagine. The Dozier Law Firm is A+ in my book.

Ms. T. B.

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